Wednesday, May 1, 2013



[val-yoo] Show IPA noun, verb, val·ued, val·u·able noun
1. relative worth, merit, or importance
2. monetary or material worth, as in commerce or trade
3. the worth of something in terms of the amount of other things for which it can be exchanged or in terms of some medium of exchange.
When you think of the word Value, money is something that comes to mind. Mainly because money is valuable. but today I'm going to talk about what is really valuable.
Sure, money is valuable to some extent. It's hard to live without it, but when I think of valuable I think of my relationship with God and all He has done for me. I would not be where I am or who I am today without His constant hand gently guiding me and sometimes nudging me(I have had my stubborn moments!) in the proper direction. I still have a long way to go to be who He has made me to be, but every step towards the right direction is a valuable step indeed.
Yesterday(My blog posts seem to be a day behind as of late, sorry!) I got to bake homemade blueberry muffins and head over to my beautiful friend Malen's house. This woman has a precious baby girl coming soon, but we hope not too soon, and since she goes above and beyond to take care of her cutie pie son Liam and her husband she has overdone it some. Per Doctor's orders she's been put on bed rest! So Caroline, Eleanora and I love any opportunity to bring food and hang out with friends so we suited up and headed over for a day of fun and getting Malen to relax some. I (of course) got to take pictures of the little ones as they played with a water table, trampoline and little pool. I must say Liam, Ryan and Katherine are the most adorable little people ever!

Don't you agree? (:
We all had a great time with Malen as we always do! I think something that is truly valuable is that which can not be priced or measured. Friends, family, anything you can think of that you just can't put a price tag on, that is what is truly worth having. Twinkles in time come and go, but as long as you have people in your life who will support you, pray for you, love you and laugh with you that makes all the difference in the value of life itself and how you see things. 

Always live, laugh, love and create new twinkles in time with who and what is truly valuable.

Thanks for reading. (:

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