Tuesday, April 30, 2013


[wurk] Show IPA noun, adjective, verb, worked or working. noun

1.exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.
2. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking
3. productive or operative activity.

Work! There are those that dread it and those that enjoy it. I am so very happy to say that I am a blessed wife whom God has given a husband that works hard to earn enough to take care of both of us so that I can be a home maker. It's good to get your hands dirty and sweat once in a while though, so
yesterday my friend Caroline and I took a trip over to my friend Eleanora's house to help get her yard ready for some beautiful flowers to be planted soon. So we ripped out some weeds to make a decent flower bed in the front yard and as Eleanora has told me, destroy some potted trees that have been sitting and growing next to the house. These trees have been growing for 2 years in plastic pots and she was sure they had broken through the pots and taken root, so we were in for some muscle work. To our pleasant surprise, the tree roots were still in the pot! So destruction of the unsightly, unwanted baby trees was easier than expected.

Sayonara trees. You have met your demise.

Caroline and I got down in the dirt while Eleanora took care of the potted trees, and I am not afraid of the dirt, weeds or insects thanks to my Granddad who I had the joy of weeding the yard with growing up. So this was all very nostalgic for me! The worms weren't so bad, it was mainly the large pincher bugs and spiders I hadn't seen before that had me so very curious but cautious. Needless to say we tackled that flower bed and those trees and Eleanora is one step closer to getting those flowers planted! All the while I got to snap a few photos of their precious children who we pinned up the yard and gave a little baby pool to play in. All-in-all I enjoyed yesterday, as I always enjoy time with my friends. I can't wait to make more Twinkles in time with them.

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