Thursday, May 23, 2013



[dev-uh-stey-shuh-n] noun
1. the act of devastating; destruction.
2. devastated state; desolation.
  EF5 Ranking - The most dangerous
Over 200 miles per hour wind speed
1.3 Miles wide at peak
40 minutes on the ground
17 miles traveled
16 minute warning time to take cover
237 injuries
24 deaths
These are just some of the statistics of what descended on May 20th, 2013. I watched live footage of this monster traveling through areas I have traveled plenty of times. I listened as the horrified and heavyhearted newscaster called out what street it was crossing over. My panic rising and my heart pounding, I had google maps pulled up to track it's progress should it come our way. With pets and my husband in our one bedroom apartment on the second floor of a three story complex I wasn't too confident in feeling safe with no tornado shelter. I listened with a heavy heart as the tornado passed near our favorite movie theater, the Moore Warren theater. We were just at the theater this past Saturday to see Star Trek. 
 The tornado then went just north of the theater where the Moore Medical Center resides. I was just at the Moore Medical Center on May 16th, getting my first Ultrasound and seeing my little love inside of me. 
The tornado was on a northeast - east bound track straight for the Tinker Air Force Base. Not only does my husband work there, but most of all of my friends were there now, huddled in tornado shelters at their home. I prayed and prayed, 
"Lord please do not let it hit the base, please turn it away!"
and in all of His great glory the base was not hit. The tornado stopped it's northbound track and continued straight east where a few long minutes afterward it dissipated. It's difficult to look at the pictures of something you are so used to and suddenly it's changed radically. 
It's even more difficult to think had this storm dropped this tornado just 15 miles more to the north, I might not be here writing this. (We live at the pink dot on the map below, the tornado path is also shown)
As I see the flashes of lightning, hear the loud thunder and watch the rain fall outside right now, I'm reminded that I am in the heart of tornado alley. I have to be prepared for the worst, but as of right now I can raise my hands in praise that I have a roof over my head, all of my belongings, my family and my friends are safe. Never forget life is short and we don't know when it's our time to go. I'm just blessed to know that when I do go, the loving open arms of my Savior are there to say "Welcome Home." 
Here are two pictures of the storm that I got to view.
Rain is coming down hard.
  Rain turned to hail, about the size of a quarter, if not slightly larger.
I will always be fascinated with weather. It's beautiful, mysterious, powerful and untamed. We try our best to understand it but will always constantly be learning about it and will be amazed by it but we know that it is coming. I guess in a way the weather reminds me of my Lord. Something I will always have a reverend fear of but always love, never get bored pursuing, and know is coming. Amen!
Please take a moment to pray for all those affected by the May 20th, 2013 tornado. Many lost all they had, and some lost even more, family members.
Thanks for reading. God bless. 

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