Sunday, July 6, 2014


Cucumbers ready for canning!


the act, process, or business of preserving cooked food by sealing in cans or jars.
   Two weekends ago my Aunt Sharon came to visit for two days while my mom and sister were visiting from Alaska. We haven't seen each other in a while so it was a very fun two days as it always is when my family gets together. Between reminiscing with old photos, skyping with grandparents, bowling, and spending fun quality time together, my Aunt took the time to teach me how to can!
   I had previously attempted canning. I had bought cans and attempted pickles, but when they turned out horribly wrong I gave up hope. My Aunt swooped in and showed me how easy canning is and I am so glad she did! The pickles we made are fantastic and were so easy to create!

 Our supplies list was small: 
  • Canning Jars with lids and rings
  • Pots to cook the brine and sanitize the jars (we also did the water bath in the large pot)
  • Canning utensils (tongs to get the jars out of the water, a funnel for adding the brine into the jars, etc)
  • Cucumbers!
  • Pickling spice mix (I used a prepackaged Dill mix by Mrs Wages, the pickles I attempted before this was an online homemade recipe.)
  • Vinegar

   We made pickle spears, slices and chips. Since then I have made tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, and homemade 'ro*tel'. I attempted apple jelly but sadly it did not turn out to be the correct consistency but I won't lose hope this time!
   There will be times I will fail again but it's a learning process. It especially takes determination and stamina (The spaghetti sauce/ro*tel was an all day ordeal, thanks Mom for the help!) Thanks again Aunt Sharon!
   I'm so glad my mom and sister got to come visit for 2 weeks. They were such a nice help with Rosalie. It is always such a blessing to see them for any length of time. We had a lot of fun and those two weeks went by incredibly fast.(Sadly!) My mom enjoyed every moment with Rosalie and my sister enjoyed every moment she got to eat Chick-fil-a! (She enjoyed time with Rosalie too though but that girl loves her chicken salad sandwiches!) 
  One thing that being a military wife has taught me is that every moment spent with those you love is a precious moment indeed.  
 *Twinkles* in Time last but a moment.

   Speaking of those you love, my husband has a date to return home from overseas! Due to security reasons I can't say it, but He will be home [this] month! It has been a long 5 months and I am very ready for him to be home again. Our first deployment has been quite a journey. I've had every emotion from here to the moon and honestly, half of them I don't care for much. Nevertheless, I am very proud of my Husband and his service to our Country and the discomforting things that come with deployments is, in my mind, a small price to pay.
  I am indefinitely blessed. 

Thanks for reading. (:

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