Wednesday, October 9, 2013


[red-ee]  read·i·er, read·i·est, verb, read·ied, read·y·ing
1. completely prepared or in fit condition for immediate action or use.
2. duly equipped, completed, adjusted, or arranged, as for an occasion or purpose.

I went shopping at the commissary a few days ago for groceries and I love it there. The people that work there are always so friendly and make sure I find everything I need. I ended up striking up a conversation with an older gentleman as he was restocking the potatoes. We were just making the usual small talk. "Where are you from? How long have you been here?" Etc. He retired here from the Air Force but originally came from Alabama. We both laughed in agreement as we concluded we missed the scent of pine trees as you walk outside and the predictability of hurricane's down south as opposed to the tornadoes dropped on us here. After a few more questions asked back and forth and "Really? Small World!" answers, he asked "Do you know what you're having?" I smiled (Since only recently have people been able to tell I'm pregnant) and I said yes, a girl. He asked me "When are you due?" And I paused for a second and almost freaked out as I said "Next month!" 


Am I ready? No. Even if all her baby furniture was finished, I would still not be ready! It's nothing like preparing to run for a race, you can train to physically prepare and you can learn the track you're running on. You train your mind to focus on everything from breathing patterns to cutting out the outside world. But parenthood isn't something you can go into 100% fully prepared for. Sure, I know how to dress a baby and change diapers. But am I prepared to have a little life fully dependent on me for everything she needs? Some days I can hardly take care of myself and my husband, it's a scary thought that very soon another person will be put into that equation. I know of course insecurities are normal. I've taken care of my friend's children growing up and recently more times then I can count, but it's different when I picture my own. 

While I have many doubts in my own strength and abilities, I have a peace about it that passes all understanding. A very supernatural peace can only come from One very irreplaceable figure in my life, the Lord Jesus Christ. Without
Him I can only imagine how much more overwhelmed by my emotions I would be. Anyone who knows me knows I am an emotional person and it's just the type of person I am. If I'm not careful I very easily drown in those emotions whatever they may be. BUT GOD pulls me out and puts me under His wing. I know that parenthood is something you learn as you go and mistakes are made, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and that, my friends, makes next month a very, very exciting new life chapter for me. Not only do I have God with me, but my amazing husband as well who has always supported me with encouragement and loving kindness. I can not wait to walk down the path of parenthood with him. We want to be full of love and guidance for little Rosalie and be the very best we can.

So I would like to thank the Lord God for this little life He has entrusted to me to carry for these short nine months and for many years into the future. I would like to thank my husband for being a reliable constant through this pregnancy who has comforted me when I felt like I couldn't do it and massaged my aching back when I asked. (: I would like to thank my mom for always uplifting me and telling me how proud she is of me. That may not seem like much but it renews my confidence and is irreplaceable. I would like to thank all of my family and my family-in-law for the support and help you've been in getting items needed before little Rosalie's arrival. I'd like to thank my friends near and far rooting for me and believing in me! To anyone who has been praying for me, no matter how often, even if it was only once, THANK YOU. I firmly believe in the power of prayer and it means the world to me that you took time out of your schedule to think of me and pray.

This has been a very "easy" pregnancy on me and I am so very blessed for it. My doctor has no worries and says everything is going amazingly well. Other than being anemic I am going strong and Rosalie is already a master mixed martial artist. (Just ask my husband, he gets a kick out of feeling her go crazy. Get it, kick?! Hahah, cheesy I know.) All-in-all I feel like the most blessed pregnant woman on the planet and I can't wait to meet my daughter face to face!

As always, thanks for reading - and God bless America and our troops!

 Rosalie Catherine Conner - Due to make her appearance 11-21-13

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