Thursday, January 8, 2015


adj. adjective
1. Having been made or come into being only a short time ago; recent.
 2. Still fresh.
 3. Never used or worn before now.

  New Year, New You.  Resolutions are made to eat better, or lose weight, or be happier and more content and everything in between....

  And that's totally okay by me. I make them myself as well. Some people say why wait for a new year to make life changes? Me personally, if a new year makes you plan things and commit to things and makes you change then that's a good thing. Sure, it'd be better if we could make the changes in October, or June or February. But the fact that change is coming about and even being pursued is a good thing!

  I personally set quite a few goals for myself this year. Some are typical and some are not. (so far I'm about 50/50 on doing them 8 days in.) And if I accomplish half of what I want too then I consider that a victory, not a failure. 

 The problem people run into is when they think they set the goal too high for themselves. They fall off the bandwagon of eating healthy because they had a doughnut for breakfast, or they got busy last night and didn't get to exercise. Just don't give up! Start the day anew. Don't get caught up in the focus of what a resolution is, get caught up in what the resolution DOES. It's to bring about change. Every day you have the power to choose change for yourself. Had a doughnut for breakfast yesterday? Eat a banana today. Didn't exercise last night? Exercise today. 

It's okay if you fall behind, just don't let that keep you from moving forward!  

 I want to exercise more this year. I have been feeling tired lately and exercising will help. I want to be a good example to my little sweet baby of taking care of the bodies God gave us. So the love of my life and I invested in an elliptical so we can get in shape. Our elliptical arrived yesterday in a very large box in pieces, I can't wait to get started using it after it's put together!

 Of course I did what any other parent would do with a ridiculously large box, I turned it into a house with a box cutter and some tape. Though my little precious baby didn't want to sit still long enough for a photo.

  I want to cut all processed food from my family's diet and cook real food not from a box. So I looked at our food budget and chose to set $10 aside to sign up for a monthly real food meal planning system online that includes everything from recipes to shopping lists to tips on how to save money on food. 
  I had to sweep my pride to the side and admit that I was just not keeping up with menu and meal planning and it was causing us to order too much take out. This so far has been a good investment though we're only a few days into the New Year. Last night for dinner I made my first ever homemade tortillas. Not only were they easy, but they were only 4 ingredients!
 I can save money not having to buy store bought tortillas ever again and they aren't full of all the questionable ingredients from store bought tortillas. This is one small step towards my goal of no processed food for my family.

  I want to be more of what Rosalie needs in every situation every day. Whether she needs me to be stronger, kinder, playful, stern, loud or quiet, I want to be that. Every Mom always says she wants to be a better Mom because it's true. We don't want to admit when we are tired or stressed or feeling unloved but sometimes it happens. Sometimes we have to stop and take a deep breath and remember we aren't super woman. Everyday this year I want to be conscious of how I act as this little soul watches me and learns. I want to radiate happiness and remember I'm blessed with each moment I get to be able to raise this beautiful Baby girl. 

    I want to get more Jesus in my every day life. I get so "busy" that sometimes I don't make time to sit and just praise Jesus for His love and His forgiveness for me. I definitely need to start my days off right with singing His praises. It just helps set the day up for success which is very helpful on those days where everything seems to want to crash down!

 I hope everyone had a great start to their New Year! Don't let a few failures slow you down. Your goal is always obtainable, 
just choose to go after it continually!

Thanks for reading. :)